Hands of Mercy Ministries
Widows Ministry
There are an estimated 47 million widows in India. Most of them are starving, begging for food on the street, and struggling to obtain even one meal a day. Despite modernization, the spread of education, and constitutional safeguards against discrimination, widows continue to be marginalized. Many experience powerlessness, physical abuse, social segregation, economic hardship, and in some parts of India, abandonment by their families.
Food Bag Distribution
Each month, HOMM distributes a 30-day supply of food provisions to over 40 widows. Those who participate in the monthly distribution events receive opportunities for community, hope and encouragement.

Widows Homes
Widows often end up homeless, living on the streets, and begging for food. Most of them are rejected by their own families. HOMM has four Widows’ Homes providing permanent care for over 30 widows. We provide clothing, food, healthcare, and a loving community for each of them. We care for all their needs through the end of life. Because of your continuous support, we are able to care for these women in their need.

Budai's Story

Budai grew up in a rural village in India. She didn’t have the opportunity to be educated because of poverty. Budai married when she was a teenager. After the marriage, she found out that her husband was an alcoholic. He started to abuse her physically. In the first six years of their marriage, they had three babies. Due to malnourishment and the physical abuse, each of them died during childbirth.
The physical abuse and the death of her children shattered her hope and desire to live. Budai became depressed and decided to end her life. Before she could act on this decision, Budai discovered that she was pregnant again. She decided to live and take care of the baby. To escape the abuse, she left home and lived for months under a tree outside the village. After she gave birth to a baby girl, her husband left her. Alone, she raised her the best she could, hoping that one day her daughter would care for her. Unfortunately, soon after her daughter’s marriage, Budai was rejected by her daughter and son-in-law.
Budai became homeless, and she moved from house to house doing odd jobs to earn enough to eat. During this time, she faced a lot of health issues. One of the families in her village told Budai about our Widows’ Home. She was excited to hear about a safe place to live. Now she lives with nine other women in a house that is filled with love and acceptance.