Hands of Mercy Ministries
What others are saying about HOMM
Johnathan Merle
“In a country with 1.3 billion people, Hands of Mercy Ministries is making a meaningful difference in India through their core programs to serve the underserved and reach the unreached. I’ve personally encountered what Saby and Rebecca Thomas are doing in India and can’t say enough good things about what they are doing in this amazing country.”
- Johnathan Merle, Jubilee Fellowship Church Global Missions Pastor
Michelle Warren
Jesus' command to love your neighbor as yourself is exemplified in Hands of Mercy Ministries. Compassion for the poor with a committed understanding to put the gospel into holistic, reconciling action should be the work of any church-based Christian community development organization and is the heart of HOMM. I am grateful for the leadership of HOMM and the ability to join them in the vision that they steward.
- Michelle Warren, Advocacy & Strategic Engagement Director, Christian Community Development Association & author of The Power of Proximity, Moving Beyond Awareness to Action
Saji Lukose
Today’s missions strategies are different, yet powerful, relevant, effective and biblical. My friends Saby and Rebecca Thomas’ vision to recruit, train, and send indigenous leaders as missionaries for a holistic community transformation are easily the dominant means of ministering in India.
- Saji Lukose, founder and president of Reaching Indians Ministries International
Andy Cannon
I have known and worked with Saby and Rebecca for almost 4 years now. Saby has been serving, pastoring alongside me at Open Door Fellowship, (an inner city church in Denver Colorado), and Rebecca is a very involved member and volunteer. These two are missionaries here and in India as well…they are the real deal! They serve the broken in Jesus name wherever they are! Their ministry in India to the orphans and widows, the sick and disabled, as well as church planting and Bible training center, is powerfully anointed and genuine. I recommend these two and Hands of Mercy Ministries with all of my heart and pray for their continued effectiveness and support.
- Pastor Andy Cannon, Founder of Open Door Fellowship, & co-founder of Providence Network
David Warren
I am thrilled to give HOMM my highest endorsement. As a regular supporter and prayer partner, I have a very high regard for their work in India. They are bringing together both the spiritual and social aspects of the message of Christ and seeing wonderful success. The lost are saved and baptized, churches are planted, widows and orphans are housed, and the disabled are cared for. One of my favorite ministries is their preschool for kids from the slums. If you have a heart for the lost and hurting especially in India, I highly recommend that you check HOMM out and get involved.
- David Warren, Executive Director of Open Door Ministries