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Board Members


Jennifer Broekema

Jennifer and her husband, Christopher, have been involved in various local and international ministries over their 20 years together, and have witnessed the transformation that a relationship with Jesus Christ brings to individuals, families, and communities. While on a medical mission trip to India in 2004, Jennifer discovered a love for the Indian people and a passion for equipping others to develop their God-given gifts and talents. A registered nurse, Jennifer has expertise in healthcare quality improvement, nursing professional development, and hospital leadership. She currently serves as the Division Director of Clinical Education Programs for the Colorado/ Kansas division of an international healthcare system. She has returned to India multiple times and volunteered for five years at a non-profit organization as the India Mission Trip Coordinator. Jennifer, Christopher, and their daughter reside in Denver, Colorado. 

Tracy and his wife, Laura, have been married for over 30 years and have four children, three son-in-laws and two grandchildren. He graduated with a Bachelor of Science degree from Texas A&M University and has been in professional business sales for over 30 years. In addition to he and Laura serving in Children’s Ministry for over 20 years, Tracy served as Board Member and then Chairman of the Board for six years for a K – 12 Christian School in the Denver area. He came to know the Lord and follow him in March of 1987 that changed his life and destiny for eternity.  Tracy has a heart for missions seeing people come to know Christ, father’s hearts turned toward their children and their children’s hearts turned toward their fathers, and marriages and families restored following and serving the Lord. 

Tracy Morton


Bob Sandberg

John Zolman

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Bob and his wife Deb have been married 42 years and reside in Morrison Co. They have two wonderful children, Brittany and Nathan. Bob started working at Rio Grande Railroad in 1973, which later became Southern Pacific, which later became Union Pacific Railroads and served as a journeyman machinist and later a mechanical supervisor for nearly 41 years.  Bob was overwhelmed by God's love in 1991 and came to salvation by His grace, fell in love with his Savior and has been involved with several youth groups, college ministry, and men's groups from that time on. Bob has been to Romania, Moldova, and Cambodia for several youth related missions trips and has a heart to see anyone come to know the love of God found in a relationship with Him!

John and his wife, Robyn, live in Denver with their children Wesley and Mia.  At a young age, John had an international missions experience which helped solidify his relationship with Christ and a love for world missions. In his 20s and 30s John traveled the world working in the Digital Mapping industry until God shook things up and brought him to a local Denver non-profit, Open Door Ministries.  For the past three years, John has worn numerous hats with Open Door and has loved his time working with the folks that the ministry serves.  John enjoys traveling with his family, golfing, jeeping in the awesome Colorado mountains, watching his kids grow up (which is happening way too fast) and waits for the first Denver Nuggets championship to arrive in Denver.  He is honored to serve on the Board of Hands of Mercy Ministries and continues to pray for those who are blessed by its programs.

Gary and his wife, Sandra, live in Littleton, Colorado, married for 27 years.  They have two daughters and nine grandchildren. Gary and Sandra serve in their local church in various roles and have taken many short-term mission trips.   Gary has twice traveled to India HOMM.  Gary was employed in the Oil and Gas Industry as a Petroleum Engineer for 30 years before becoming the Men’s Leader and board member at their local church. Gary’s heart for mission comes out in sharing the good news of redemption through Jesus Christ and setting people free from the deceptions of the enemy.

Gary Vogt

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