Hands of Mercy Ministries

Jesus’ Healing Reaches Many: As a young girl, Anita was allowed to listen to Christian music even though she grew up in a strict Hindu family. She moved to her husband’s hometown after marriage and occasionally attended a local church. In 2001 they were blessed with a second daughter, but within a few days of her birth their youngest daughter unexpectedly passed away. Soon after their daughter’s death they found out that Anita had stage-4 breast cancer that had spread throughout her body. The doctors said she would not live more than three months.
In the hospital while receiving chemo Anita gave her life to Christ. She cried out to Jesus praying, “If you are the true God, please heal me! If you heal me, I will follow you and I will care for mentally and physically challenged people the rest of my life.” Anita then checked out of the hospital and returned home. She told her family that Jesus healed her and she was done with treatments. Her family and doctors were very upset and concerned for her, but she stuck to her story; Jesus had healed her. To prove her wrong the doctor decided to re-scan and test her. The results shocked everyone but Anita; there was no cancer left in her body.
In 2003 with three disabled people and a whole lot of faith Anita and her husband started Sree Karunya Mission (SKM) a home and education center for mentally and physically challenged people. Because of her faithfulness God blessed the ministry. Currently there are more than 50 people who stay in the home. Another 50 people come and attend the school. Anita and her husband have 26 staff helping to care for over 100 individuals.